Wednesday, April 22, 2009

best thing on wedenesday

Today I am going swimming at 5:45 until 6:30. It was so much fun and maybe i will see you at the pool too. The best thing in our school that we had a assembly. Did you see the game yesterday canucks beat the blues 3-2 final ot. I was so happy and i always watch it with my friends. wait until camp next week. It is going to be awesome.

It is so beautiful today so you go play in at your backyard or exercise

Have a great day

Thursday, January 29, 2009

happy chinese new year

Today I was so stressed about the science test. It was kind of hard. I worked really slowly. I'm glad its over.

I am really excited about the aquarium tomorrow. It will be cool. I will see you all night. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!